Regardless of how big your house is, it never seems to be big enough however people with smaller living spaces have to make the most of the space that is available to them. There are certain things that can be done in order to ensure that a living room appears much larger than it actually is. Since it is the first room that people see when they walk in through the door, making it look bigger is a good way to start off. Discussed below are the things you can do to make your living room appear bigger.

Here’s How You Can Make Your Living Room Look Bigger Than It Is

  • Striped Flooring

One of the best things that you can do to make sure that your living room appears larger is by giving it flooring with stripes. While it can be a bit of a daring thing to do, striped flooring can do wonders to create the illusion of size. Black and white stripes work the best in this regard.

  • Use Lightweight Curtains

Another thing that you can do is to ensure that the curtains in the room are all lightweight. You can go to bespoke curtain makers and choose the fabrics that suit you the best. Curtains made from heavier fabrics absorb a lot of light and can, in turn, make the room appear small.

  • Clean the Windows

It can be surprising to know that unclean windows can play havoc on how small your room can appear than it actually is, this is why you should keep the windows of your living room clean. You can also use blinds in Sevenoaks to ensure that you can close them and let the amount of light that you want to come in.

  • Keep the Floors Visible

One other hack that you can employ is to have the floors of the room as visible as possible. Having furniture with individual legs in the room, so that the floor beneath them is visible, can go a long way in giving your living room a larger feeling.

These are some of the things that you can do to create the illusion that your living room is larger than reality. However, instead of doing all this, you can simply go to interior designers in Sevenoaks and they will do whatever needs to be done.

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